Russian Museum
Augmented Reality

A Russian Squadron on the Sevastopole Roadstead. 1846
A View of Constantinople by Moonlight. 1846
A View onto Moscow from the Sparrow Hills. 1848
A Windmill on the Shore of the Sea. 1837
Aul Gunib in Dagestan. 1869
Clouds over the Sea. Calm. 1889
Constantinople. 1882
Doge’s Palace in Venice by Moonlight. 1878
Moonlit Night by the Sea. 1852
Moonlit Night in Crimea. 1859
Moonlit Night. 1849
Morning on the Shoreline. Sudak. 1856
Peter I at Krasnaya Gorka Lighting a Fire on the Shore to Signal to his Sinking Ships. 1846
Portrait of Senator Alexander Kaznacheyev, Governor and Marshal of the Nobility of Tauride Province. 1848
Sailboat on the Sea. 1893
Sea Strait with a Lighthouse. 1841
Sea View by Moonlight. 1878
Sea View. Storm on the Sea. 1878
Ship with 26 Cannons by the Shoreline. 1852
Ships on the Stormy Sea. Sunrise. 1871
Shoreline. 1851
Storm at Cape Aya. 1875
Storm. 1851
Sunset on the Crimean Coastline. 1856
Tchoomaks in Little Russia. 1850s — 1860-s
The Coast in Amalfi. 1841
The Creation of the World. 1864
The Deluge. 1864
The Kronstadt Roadstead. 1836
The Ninth Wave. 1850
The Port of Valletta on the Island of Malta. 1844
The Shore of the Sea. Calm. 1843
View of a Seaside Town. 1877
View of Crimea at Sunset. 1862
View of Odessa on a Moonlit Night. 1846
View of the Sea from the Mountains. Crimea. 1864
Wave. 1889
Alexander Pushkin at the Top of Ai-Petri at Sunrise. 1899
Mercury Brig Meeting a Russian Squadron after her Victory over Two Turkish Vessels. 1848

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