Russian Museum
Augmented Reality

Antokolskiy Mark
Jewish Miser. 1865
Antokolsky Mark
Antokolsky Marcus. Christ on Trial before the People. 1874–78
Antokolsky Mark
Jewish Tailor. 1864
Antokolsky Mark
Nathan the Wise. 1868
Antokolsky Mark
Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II. 1896
Antokolsky Mark
Portrait of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. 1896
Blokh Michael
Portrait of Isaak Brodsky. 1915
Ginzburg Ilya
Leo Tolstoy at Work. 1891
Ginzburg Ilya
Portrait of Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein. 1898
Ginzburg Ilya
Young Musician. 1890
Golubkina Anna
Wanderer. 1903
Guichard Louis-Marie
Portrait of Senior Equerry Count Nikolai Zubov. Before 1805
Itkind Isaac
Jewish Melody. 1920s
Konenkov Sergei
Grandmother. 1922
Lanceray Evgeny
Leaving for the Market. 1870
Lanceray Yevgueni
In the Cart. 1871
Meshchaninov Oscar
Portrait of the Artist’s Mother. 1915
Mikeshin Boris
Peter the Great. 1909
Mikeshin Mikhail
Reduced-scale copy of the Monument to Catherine the Great in St Petersburg. 1873
Mukhina Vera
Portrait of Colonel B. A. Yussupov 1942
Orlovsky Boris
Model of Statue of Prince Michael Barclay de Tolly. 1828–1830
Orlovsky Boris
Model of Statue of Prince Mikhail Kutuzov. 1829–1830
Shubin Fedot
Portrait of Tsar Paul I. 1800
Troubetzkoy Paolo
Leo Tolstoy on Horseback. 1900. Statuette
Troubetzkoy Paolo
Portrait of an Unknown Woman (On a Turf Bench). 1909
Unknown Artist
Alexander Column. Second quarter of the 19th century

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